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Posts Tagged ‘cost’

Cost, Quality or Speed – You Can Have 2

Came across a nice little statement which I believe is generally quite true in business on Swish Design’s blog:

Cost – Quality – Speed … Pick two


  • If you want something fast AND high quality – you can’t expect it to be cheap.
  • If you want something cheap AND high quality – you can’t expect to get it quickly.
  • And if you want something to be cheap AND you want it done quickly … you’re going to sacrifice quality.

Of course, if you work with Fred or myself you get all 3… ;)

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Don’t Ever Undervalue Your Development Skills

When you’re starting your own web development business or just starting out freelancing, there’s a tendency to take on any and every job that comes your way. After all, there’s not much to show in your personal portfolio so you could do with beefing that up even if it means slaving away for not much $$.

As soon as you’ve got your portfolio to a reasonable size and you have built up your experience and professionalism, do yourself a favour and charge clients the appropriate rate for the professional web development services you provide.

There’s no quicker way to get bitter about your work than to give someone a cheap quote and then realise the work you took on is going to take 3 times as long as you expected.

Some reasons why you might have given a cheap quote include:

  • Underestimating how long it will take you to do something. More often than not a task, no matter how simple, will take you longer than you think. The good old rule of “work out how many hours it will take, then double that” rings true. Personally I quote on a project basis so if I quote 8 hours and the job takes me longer, I wear the extra hours and write that time off as a learning experience.
  • Sympathy. When a client mentions they don’t have a large budget, or they’re a small business, or a new business, or a family business or whatever, it’s only natural to want to give them the best rate possible. That works ok when the job goes smoothly, but if the sympathy plea of a client causes you to under-quote and things go south, you won’t be a happy camper and everyone will suffer.
  • You don’t feel experienced enough. Sure, you may only be 20 and still at uni, but that’s no reason to under-quote if you’re delivering a professional service. At the end of the day, if you provide the same service or end product (web site) as an agency, why should you be working at half the rate?
  • Competing with your client’s nephew. Everybody knows someone who thinks they can create a site just like Facebook or eBay for $200, whether it be their nephew or their aunts-husbands-neighbours-grandparents-dog. Then there’s always the people who can’t understand why they have to pay so much for a site that uses an Open Source (in their mind, “free”) CMS, despite the fact you had to write a custom module to fit their needs or spent 10 hours designing and xHTMLing their template.

By all means, give clients the best deal you can – just make sure you don’t sell yourself short. If you sell yourself short all you’ll do is make life harder for yourself and you’ll devalue the entire web development market.

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